Upcoming AFA Events and Hikes!
Sunday, April 25 – Nature/ Old-Growth Walk in Mount Douglas Park: Oak Bay-Gordon Heads’ Old Growth in its Own Backyard!!! Meet: 1pm in the lower parking lot (at the bottom of the drive up to the top lookout). Join Benna Keoghoe of the Ancient Forest Committee of Oak Bay-Gordon Head, popular CRD naturalists Darren and Claudia Copley, and members of the Ancient Forest Alliance to see the little-recognized and little-appreciated old growth ecosystem in the heart of urban Victoria (including its largest Douglas fir!). This will be a fairly easy walk, about 90 minutes at the most. It is of course recommended to wear suitable footwear and rain gear if necessary. Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=635681862&ref=profile#!/event.php?eid=112498998782690&ref=mf. For more info contact Benna Keoghoe at afc.oakbay@gmail.com
Thursday, April 29 – Vancouver Island’s Biggest Trees and Biggest Stumps – Launch Presentation of the new Oak Bay – Gordon Head Ancient Forest Committee, coordinated by Benna Keoghoe, additional presentation on the Avatar Grove by TJ Watt, BC forest policy and campaign update by Ken Wu. 7:00-8:30 pm, UVic, Clearihue C110. By donation. Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/event.php?eid=114312995255977&ref=mf. For more info contact Benna Keoghoe at afc.oakbay@gmail.com.
Saturday, May 1st – Lower Mainland Old-Growth Hike up Sumas Mountain (near Abbotsford at Whatcom Road Exit) – Join the SFU, UBC, and Point Grey Ancient Forest Committees and the Ancient Forest Alliance to see an amazing stand of old-growth forests, including a most massive Douglas fir! Meet at 10:30 am at JJ Bean (Commercial Drive and 6th in Vancouver). Hike will be led by Tara Sawatsky and is moderate and will be 1.5 hours or so round trip. Drivers needed – all those able to drive with extra seats please get in touch. Passengers should chip-in for gas. Contact Michelle Connolly at ancientforestcommittee@gmail.com or Hannah Carpendale at ancientforests@sfpirg.ca