Union of BC Indian Chiefs passes a new resolution endorsing Protect Our Elder Trees Declaration
The Union of BC Indian Chiefs (UBCIC) has passed a resolution endorsing the Protect Our Elder Trees Declaration, which aims to unite First Nations around the need to protect ancient forests in BC. The declaration calls on the province to immediately halt logging in at-risk old-growth forests, implement the Old Growth Panel’s 14 recommendations, and advance Indigenous-led old-growth conservation.
The resolution comes on the heels of BC’s record-breaking heatwave and in the midst of intense wildfires, worsening climate change impacts, and mounting pressure on the province to address the destructive mismanagement and overharvesting of BC’s forests.
“The Protect Our Elder Trees Declaration describes the critical relationship First Nations have with old growth forests and strengthens a sustainable, First Nations-led approach to old growth conservation that supports our ancestral laws and responsibilities.” – UBCIC president Grand Chief Stewart Phillip.