Thanks to Everyone who Helped Make our Vancouver Spring Social and Fundraiser a Success!
The Ancient Forest Alliance is sending an enormous THANK YOU everyone who helped make our May 16th Spring Social and Fundraiser a major success! The event was our first in Vancouver in recent years and allowed us to connect with many of our most generous supporters in the Lower Mainland while fostering awareness around the threats facing BC’s ancient forests and working towards meeting our strategic $20,000 fundraising goal for September 1st. The event helped us raise an amazing $4,000, pushing us almost halfway to our goal!
A significant portion of these proceeds were generated by the silent auction, with items generously donated by the following:
Patagonia Vancouver, Lush Handmade Cosmetics on W 4th Ave, Banyen Books & Sound, Greystone Books Ltd., Burdock & Co, Central City Brewing, The Farmer’s Apprentice, Virtuous Pie, Jamjar Folk Lebanese, Eternal Abundance, Ten Thousand Villages, Unity Yoga Teahouse, Moksha Yoga Vancouver, Figaro’s Garden, Hummingbird Crafts, and Garden Consult Extraordinaire, Michael Denhamer. Thank you also to the Beaumont Studios for hosting our event and providing great service.
The funds generated are being put toward the following campaign activities:
- Planning expeditions into several remote endangered ancient forests in BC to document their beauty and destruction with professional photos and videos. Read our recent media release on old-growth logging in the beautiful Nahmint Valley near Port Alberni and watch the CHEK TV news report for an example.
- Commission an economic report on the value of standing old-growth forests.
- Commission updated mapping on the status of Vancouver Island old-growth forests, based on ecosystem types.
- Conduct major outreach campaigns to non-traditional allies such as businesses, unions, faith and multicultural groups and engage First Nations allies and councils.
- Print and distribute a new educational brochure on key old-growth policies needed from the new NDP government to overhaul BC’s backwards forest policies.
The generosity of our growing Vancouver support base, local businesses, organizations, and artists is fundamental and greatly appreciated as we work with determination to protect BC’s endangered old-growth forests while ensuring a sustainable, second-growth forest industry.
Thank you for choosing to support the AFA!
Ken Wu, TJ Watt, Andrea Inness, Joan Varley, Amanda Evans, Tiara Dhenin, Morgan Wheeler and Nova Raye
Ancient Forest Alliance
Ancient Forest Alliance