THANK YOU to LUSH, MEC, Patagonia, and the Evergreen Foundation
The Ancient Forest Alliance is most grateful for the major support of ethical companies and foundations in helping our organization continue our work to protect BC’s endangered old-growth forests and to ensure a sustainable, second-growth forest industry. We are giving great THANKS to:
– LUSH handmade cosmetics and soaps, which has provided major support again, both through its Charity Pot program and through an employee vote of preferred organizations, to the Ancient Forest Alliance. We are most grateful for their long-term dedication in supporting numerous environmental organizations, including the Ancient Forest Alliance for three years now! Their staff have also helped to write hundreds of letters and push political decision makers to protect the ancient forests east of Vancouver. See their website www.LUSH.ca
– The Evergreen Foundation, which has provided support for a Coastal Douglas-Fir ecosystem restoration project (invasive species removal and native tree and shrub planting) through their partnership with Canon, as part of the Take Root Program. The Ancient Forest Alliance partnered with the Ecological Pathfinders of Portage Park and the Victoria Green Team to help restore a portion of Portage Park’s native Garry oak and Douglas-fir/maple ecosystem in September. See their website www.Evergreen.ca
– To the Mountain Equipment Co-op (MEC) Victoria store and staff, whose staff voted the AFA as their preferred organization to support this year. The MEC was also instrumental in supporting the AFA’s campaign to protect the Avatar Grove in 2012. See their website www.MEC.ca
– To Patagonia Victoria, whose new store in Victoria has chosen the Ancient Forest Alliance as its recipient as part of the 1% For The Planet donation. Patagonia has a long history of supporting the conservation movement and their generosity will allow us to expand our campaigns. See their website.