Sunshine Coast and Vancouver Island Forests under Threat by Island Timberlands! *NEW Photo Galleries*
Forests across the Sunshine Coast and Vancouver Island are currently under threat by logging giant Island Timberlands, the second largest private land owner in BC. Local activists in nearby communities are doing everything they can to hold off the company from logging nearby endangered forests until the lands can be purchased for protection. They need your help! The Ancient Forest Alliance has recently been touring and photographing these endangered areas to help bolster their campaigns. See the beautiful photo galleries below, learn what makes each area special, and find out who to link up with to help protect them!
Stillwater Bluffs
New Photo Gallery: https://ancientforestalliance.org/photos-media/stillwater-bluffs/
Local Activists: Friends of Stillwater Bluffs. Email: friendsofstillwaterbluffs@gmail.com Web: https://fosb.blogspot.ca/
This 48 hectare dry maritime forest south of Powell River contains an exceptionally scenic, dramatic stretch of coastline as well as enormous old-growth veteran Douglas-fir and redcedar trees. It is accessible to the public and offers hiking trails, rock climbing, and important wildlife habitat that is perfect for a potential nature park. Local citizens are pushing the Powell River Regional District and the provincial government to assist in funding the area’s purchase, while Island Timberlands in 2012 continues to move forward towards logging this precious area in the near future .
Powell River Peak news articles: Bluffs receive high-profile focus, Hike raises awareness of bluffs
Lower Sunshine Coast
Day Road Forest
New Photo Gallery: https://ancientforestalliance.org/photos-media/day-road-forest/
Local Activists: Elphinstone Logging Focus in Roberts Creek. Email: loggingfocus@gmail.com Web: www.loggingfocus.org
This beautiful second-growth forest includes important stands of old-growth veteran Douglas-firs and redcedars, a gorgeous waterfall, a beautiful box canyon, and extensive mature Douglas-fir stands. Cougars, deer, bears, red-legged frogs, and ensatina salamanders roam the forest. The area is heavily used by local hikers, equestrians, and mountain bikers, and as an area for environmental education for local children and youth. Island Timberlands owns these lands and is planning to log the area’s recovering mature forests, to the chagrin of local citizens and property owners.
Wilson Creek Forest (*note – this area is not on Island Timberlands’ private land but is on unprotected Crown lands)
New Photo Gallery: https://ancientforestalliance.org/elphinstone-logging-focus-wilson-creek-forest-under-threat/
Local Activists: Elphinstone Logging Focus in Roberts Creek. Email: loggingfocus@gmail.com Web: www.loggingfocus.org
This beautiful old-growth and mature forest near Roberts Creek on the Lower Sunshine Coast is proposed by local residents for protection in an expanded Mount Elphinstone Provincial Park. This area has never been logged. A forest fire swept through the area over a century ago, but significant stands of old-growth trees survived the fire and still grow throughout the forest. The area is on Crown lands and is one of the only low elevation ancient forests remaining on the Sunshine Coast and is home to cougars, bears, deer, and the threatened red-legged frog. The Wilson Creek Forest is threatened to be logged by the local Community Forest, which unfortunately at this time lacks a strong conservation vision which in a Community Forest in particular should include protection of the highest conservation-value lands like the Wilson Creek Forest.
Vancouver Island
Cameron Valley Firebreak
New Photo Gallery: https://ancientforestalliance.org/photos-media/cameron-valley-firebreak/
Local Activists: Port Alberni-based Watershed-Forest Alliance. watershedforestalliance@gmail.com
The Cameron Valley Firebreak is a beautiful 150 hectare old-growth forest on Vancouver Island that is a 20 minute drive from the town of Port Alberni, and several kilometres upstream from the world-famous Cathedral Grove. In late April, 2012, Island Timberlands began logging this ancient forest of extremely high recreation and ecological value – filled with ancient coastal Douglas-firs (99% of which have been logged), wintering elk and deer, and Culturally Modified Trees. The area is heavily used by Roosevelt elk and was formerly intended for protection as an Ungulate Winter Range by the BC government for elk – until the land was removed from the Tree Farm License in 2004, and planned protections were never implemented.
Ancient Forest Alliance: Press release
Alberni Valley Times: Groups make appeal to save forest
Times Colonist: Environmental groups decry logging near Cathedral Grove
Some Other Forests Threatened by Island Timberlands
Cathedral Grove Canyon: https://ancientforestalliance.org/photos-media/cathedral-grove-canyon/
McLaughlin Ridge: https://ancientforestalliance.org/our-work/old-growth-campaigns/mclaughlin-ridge/
Cortes Island: https://ancientforestalliance.org/the-ancient-forests-of-cortes-island-2-the-carrington-bay-childrens-forest/
Here are a few things you can do right now as the campaign snowballs to protect the endangered forests on Island Timberlands lands:
5 minutes is all it takes to write a short letter requesting that the provincial government establish a BC Park Acquisition Fund of at least $40 million per year, raising $400 million over 10 years, to purchase old-growth forests and other endangered ecosystems on private lands across the province.
Send your letter to: terry.lake.mla@leg.bc.ca (*Be sure to include your full name and address so you they know you’re a real person!)
or phone him at: 1.250.387.1187
or ask him on Twitter: @terrylakemla
Also sign the Friends of Stillwater Bluffs petition at: https://www.change.org/petitions/island-timberlands-ltd-of-nanaimo-five-year-moratorium-on-any-logging-of-stillwater-bluffs
Stillwater Bluffs
Friends of Stillwater Bluffs near Powell River: friendsofstillwaterbluffs@gmail.com Website: https://fosb.blogspot.ca/
Lower Sunshine Coast
Elphinstone Logging Focus in Roberts Creek: loggingfocus@gmail.com Website: www.loggingfocus.org
Cameron Valley Firebreak, McLaughlin Ridge
Jane Morden of the Watershed-Forest Alliance in Port Alberni: watershedforestalliance@gmail.com
Cathedral Grove, Cathedral Grove Canyon
Annette Tanner, Wilderness Committee Mid-Island Chapter in Qualicum Beach: wcwcqb@shaw.ca
Cortes Island
Zoe Miles or Sabina Leader-Mense of Wildstands at: wildstands@gmail.com Website: wildstands.wordpress.com