Stanley Park Old-Growth Forest Walk and Fundraiser! July 25th, 7:00-8:30pm
Join the Ancient Forest Alliance's Ken Wu, TJ Watt, and Hannah Carpendale for a guided nature walk to some of the largest old-growth redcedars, Douglas-firs, grand firs, and bigleaf maples left in the Lower Mainland! Learn about the ecology, plants, and animals that inhabit this forest.
- Date: July 25th
- Time: 7:00pm – 8:30pm
Location: Stanley Park – North Lagoon Drive at Tatlow Walk (trail) see map at https://vancouver.ca/files/
cov/ Stanley-Park-Map-Guide-2012 .pdf - Difficutly Level: Easy
- Facebook Event Page: www.facebook.com/events/675339812482564/
Many people don't realize that within Stanley Park are some of the finest remnant old-growth stands and trees on the southern mainland coast of BC, with diameters of some redcedars exceeding 13 feet and a bigleaf maple over 10 feet wide. While partly disturbed by invasive species and human activity, most of the native plant species still survive in the park, and the park is also home to many species of wildlife.
This hike is a fundraiser for the Ancient Forest Alliance, which is working to build a boardwalk in the Avatar Grove on Vancouver Island and is working to achieve comprehensive provincial legislation to protect the endangered old-growth forests across BC.
Find out how you can help our public education and mobilization campaigns to protect ancient forests and ensure sustainable second-growth forestry jobs!
Suggested donation $10 to $100