New! 2018 Ancient Forest Calendars & Cards, Posters, Stickers, Certificates, and other Merchandise
Make the Ancient Forest Alliance your holiday-giving priority by picking up some of our beautiful AFA merchandise and/or donating to our historic campaign mobilization
• Order products online HERE
• Donate HERE
We’re proud to present the Ancient Forest Alliance’s 2018 CALENDAR!
The calendar features many of the special places throughout British Columbia that we’ve explored as we work to protect our endangered old-growth forests and forestry jobs. It includes beautiful photos of the Central Walbran Valley, Carmanah Valley, Jurassic Grove, Parthenon Grove, East Creek, Echo Lake, Cameron Firebreak, wildlife, and more!
AFA 2018 Calendars: $25 | 3 or more $20 each
Cards: $5 each | 6 for $25 | 12 for $40
- Choose from our specially selected 6-card sets – Big Tree Bundle, Grand Grove Set, Serenity Set, Wild Wonders. Or choose a variety pack of 6 or 12 cards
Posters: $10 each | All 3 for $25
- Choose from Avatar Grove’s Gnarly Tree, San Juan Spruce, and Canada’s Largest Tree the Cheewhat Giant
Stickers: Bumper Stickers $6 | Logo Stickers & Tree Stickers $4
Certificates: Dedicate to anyone!
- Adopt-A-Tree Minimum $50 donation
- Adopt-A-Grove Minimum $100 donation
- Ancient Forest Defender Minimum $100 donation
- Ancient Forest Protector: Minimum $200 donation
Ancient Forest Gift Pack: $70
- 2018 Calendar, 12 pack of cards, all 4 stickers
Donate to our Pivotal Campaigns!
Right now, with the election of a new NDP government, we have the greatest chance in BC’s history to protect endangered old-growth forests and ensure a sustainable, second-growth forestry industry. But we need your support more than ever to mobilize a powerful movement to get the job done. Your donation to the AFA will help us host a exciting rally/info night in Victoria on November 28th; build new signage for the Avatar Grove boardwalk; reach 20 000 households with a new educational brochure; build alliances with First Nations, business, union, faith and political leaders; and expand our online mobilization through instant messages to decision-makers at BCForestMovement.com.
How to purchase gifts and donate:
- Online: Order gifts via our Online Store and pay via PayPal or credit card. You can also Donate online here.
- By Phone at 250-896-4007 to specify your order or donation amount and to pay with your credit card. We will ship product orders you (with an additional shipping cost added).
- By Email (for product orders) at: sales@
- In-Person at our Holiday Booths in Victoria and Vancouver (see details below)
- Visit our office in the Central Building (620 View St, 3rd floor #303):
- Nov 1- Dec 21: Tues, Weds & Thurs 11:00am-4:30pm
- Click here for the dates, times, and locations of our holiday booths in Vancouver.
**cash, cheques & credit cards accepted at all locations**
Thank you for your dedicated support!