Native Tree and Shrub Planting in Portage Park (View Royal) on Sept.14
Join the Greater Victoria Green Team, Ecological Pathfinder volunteers of Portage Park, and Ancient Forest Alliance for a fun day of planting trees and shrubs in the beautiful Portage Park (View Royal). An ecological restoration project has been taking place in Portage Park, with the removal of 1000s of pounds of invasive plants over the last year! Now we need to re-plant native trees and shrubs as the next step to improve the ecological integrity and health of this habitat.
Join a group of volunteers and learn about the ecology of Vancouver Island’s amazing forests, native plants, and help restore the native ecosystem. Thanks to the support of the Evergreen Foundation and Canon.
Date: Sunday, September 14
Time: 9:45am to 2pm (Stay for as long as you want, and if you need to leave early that is okay!)
Tools, refreshments, and training will be provided!
Join the event and RSVP here: https://www.meetup.com/Greater-Victoria-Green-Team/events/201693132/
For more info contact Amanda at: amanda@greenteamscanada.ca