Info Night and Rally on Tues, Nov. 28, at Alix Goolden Hall, from 7 – 8:30 pm
Time/Date: Tuesday Nov. 28, from 7 – 8:30 pm
Location: Alix Goolden Hall (907 Pandora Ave)
Free admission
The election of a new NDP government supported by the Greens provides the greatest opportunity in BC's history to protect old-growth forests and end raw log exports. This is the government most likely to take decisive action to finally put an end to BC's decades-long “War in the Woods” – but only if YOU speak up now!
Join us Tuesday, November 28th, to hear from a variety of compelling speakers and to let the BC government know you want protection for BC's endangered old-growth forests, support for First Nations land use plans, and a sustainable, value-added, second-growth forest industry.
Businesses, unions, forestry workers, local governments, and First Nations have joined the movement to protect old-growth forests and ensure a sustainable, second-growth forest industry. Come hear what these diverse groups have to say!
Key Speakers Include:
- Joe Martin, Tla-o-qui-aht canoe carver and Band Councillor
- Robert Morales, Chief Treaty Negotiator, Hul'qumi'num Treaty Group
- Dr. Andy Mackinnon, Metchosin city Councillor and forest ecologist
- Arnold Bercov, President of the Public and Private Workers of Canada
- Karl Ablack, Vice President, Port Renfrew Chamber of Commerce
- Josh Schmidt, Director of Development, West Shore Chamber of Commerce
- Jens Wieting, Forest and Climate Campaigner, Sierra Club BC
- Dr. Brian White, Tourism Professor and Program Head, Royal Roads University
- Torrance Coste, Campaigner, Wilderness Committee
- TJ Watt, Photographer & Campaigner, Ancient Forest Alliance
- Andrea Inness, Campaigner, Ancient Forest Alliance
- Ken Wu, Executive Director, Ancient Forest Alliance
The new government is currently deciding which direction it will take with its forest policies: whether to continue with the unsustainable status quo or whether to overhaul BC's forestry system to ensure sustainability for ecosystems, First Nations, thousands of BC's forestry workers, tourism businesses, and all British Columbians.
This is our chance to send an unequivocal message to the BC government to protect ancient forests and forestry jobs!
Please join us and spread the word – your attendance at this rally and info night is critical!
For more information, contact us at info@ancientforestalliance.org, call 250.896.4007, or visit our Facebook event page.
Why is this Rally Important?
Old-growth forests are vital to sustain endangered species, First Nations cultures, tourism, the climate, clean water, and wild salmon. Despite their importance, 75% of the original, productive old-growth forests have been logged on BC's southern coast, including over 90% of the valley bottoms where the largest trees grow.
A century of unsustainable logging has eliminated the vast majority of the biggest, best, low-elevation old-growth trees that historically built BC’s forest industry. Second-growth forests now dominate the forested land base, but lack of investment by the BC Liberals in second-growth sawmills and value-added facilities and the export of vast amounts of raw logs to foreign mills has decreased forestry jobs across BC.
The AFA is therefore calling on the new NDP government to enact several policies including:
– Creating comprehensive, science-based legislation to protect old-growth forests.
– Providing financial support for First Nations' sustainable economic development and diversification in lieu of old-growth logging.
– Placing a temporary halt on logging in old-growth 'hotspots' while a longer-term solution is developed.
– Ending the export of raw logs.
Send a message to the BC government to protect ancient forests and end raw log exports at: www.BCForestMovement.com.