DECEMBER 19 & 20, 2012 — NEW 2013 AFA Calendars & other Holiday Gifts for Sale IN VANCOUVER!
Make the AFA your Holiday-Giving Priority THIS WEEK by DONATING and purchasing our NEW 2013 AFA Calendars, Posters, Cards, T-shirts and Prints!
In VANCOUVER, this WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY (Dec.19 and 20), come buy the AFA’s mechandise or make a donation by meeting the AFA’s Hannah Carpendale, who will be located at the vegan cafe and organic grocer Eternal Abundance (1025 Commercial Drive, between Napier and Parker) from 12pm-6:30pm for those two days. THANKS to Eternal Abundance for supporting the AFA with their facilities!
Or you can buy through our ONLINE STORE at https://ancientforestalliance.org/store.php **Purchases made online cannot be guaranteed to arrive before Christmas**
AFA Merchandise that will be available in Vancouver on Wednesday and Thursday will include:
- Ancient Forests of BC CALENDARS: $20.00 each; 5 or more $15.00
- CARDS (for special occasions including the holiday season): 3.95 each; 6 for $20.00; 12 for $36.00
- POSTERS (Avatar Grove’s Gnarly Tree, San Juan Spruce, or Canada’s Largest Tree the Cheewhat Giant): 12.50 each; 3 for $30.00
The AFA’s new 2013 calendars highlight some of the special places on BC’s coast that we’ve explored as we work towards securing provincial legislation to save our endangered old-growth forests and forestry jobs. The calendar features the Avatar Grove, the Walbran’s Castle Grove, Echo Lake, Flores Island in Clayoquot Sound, Mossy Maple Grove/ Fangorn Forest, the Cameron Valley Firebreak, San Juan Valley, Cortes Island, Cathedral Grove Canyon, the Gordon River Valley, and more! It is also printed on 100% post-consumer recycled paper with vegetable based inks.
Purchases can be made in-person by either cash, cheque or credit card.
Please make us your priority organization to support this Holiday Season! We are BC’s lead organization working to protect our endangered old-growth forests and forestry jobs. Due to our low overhead costs combined with our effective campaigns, your contribution truly goes farthest with us! You can DONATE online to us through our website: www.AncientForestAlliance.org