Canada’s Gnarliest Tree – Save the Avatar Grove
Direct link to video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l_uPkAWsvVw
A giant old-growth redcedar with a massive,10ft diameter burl has been dubbed “Canada’s Gnarliest Tree”. It grows on Vancouver Island in the endangered Avatar Grove (see SPECTACULAR photo gallery here: https://ancientforestalliance.org/photos-media/) – a 50 hectare stand of lush old-growth temperate rainforest on public (Crown) lands near Port Renfrew that has become a major attraction due to the ease of access to its giant, alien shaped redcedars and enormous Douglas-firs.
The movement to save the Avatar Grove has also garnered political support at all levels. Federal, provincial and regional political representatives in the Juan de Fuca area have all joined the call for its protection, including federal Liberal MP Keith Martin, provincial NDP MLA John Horgan, and Regional Director Mike Hicks, who notes the Avatar Grove would make an excellent side visit for those traveling along the newly completed Pacific Marine Circle Route.
The Port Renfrew Chamber of Commerce and the Sooke Regional Tourism Association have also requested that the BC government protect the Avatar Grove, recognizing the economic significance of eco-tourism in their communities.
Yet, despite virtually unanimous support, the BC government has not stepped up to the plate to ensure that the area is spared from logging by the Surrey-based Teal-Jones Group.