BC Sustainable Forestry March & Rally!
DATE: Friday, October 30, 2015
TIME & PLACE: Begins at 12 noon at Trunk Rd and Highway 1, then march down to Charles Hoey Park (by the train station)
** Invite others and coordinate rides on Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/events/1693082370937511/ **
Join forestry workers, environmentalists, unions, politicians, and diverse community members for a march and rally to end the export of raw logs and to support a sustainable, second-growth forest industry in BC.
Since the BC Liberals came to power, they have undertaken unsustainable, job-killing policies in the forest industry, including:
- Allowing over 6 million cubic metres of raw, unprocessed logs to leave the province each year to foreign mills in the US and Asia, while BC mills are often starved for fibre and dozens have shut down in recent years.
- Failing to implement any fundamental incentives or regulations to ensure the conversion or retooling of old-growth mills to process second-growth logs as the old-growth stands are cut-over and second-growth stands mature. This has set the stage for major old-growth mill closures over the past decade and increased second-growth and old-growth raw log exports.
- Deregulating vast areas of timber on the southern coast by allowing companies to remove their private forest lands from their Tree Farm Licences, thus removing the restrictions on raw log exports and most environmental laws on those lands.
- Allowing huge amounts of wood waste.
- Using stumpage fees to fund marketing schemes in China that have paved the way for a massive increase in raw logs and old-growth wood exports to Asia.
- Allowing the unsustainable overcutting of forests in many regions of BC, endangering the long-term future of forestry dependent communities.
Show your solidarity with workers and environmentalists for a sustainable, value-added second-growth forest industry! Bring your friends and family!
Organized by the Pulp, Paper, and Woodworkers of Canada (PPWC – see: www.PPWC.ca) with the support of the Ancient Forest Alliance (AFA – see www.AncientForestAlliance.org).
For more info contact Cam Shiel at camshiell78@gmail.com