Ancient Forest Alliance Action Alert – Al Jazeera Avatar Grove
Please forward far and wide!
March 4, 2011
TOMORROW: Al Jazeera News Network reports on Ancient Forest Alliance’s Campaign to Save British Columbia’s Endangered Old-Growth Forests and the Avatar Grove
The campaign to protect BC’s old-growth forests is about to get an unprecedented level of global exposure! Al Jazeera, one of the largest TV news networks on Earth that reaches 220 million homes in over 100 countries, will feature a news piece tomorrow (Saturday) about the Ancient Forest Alliance’s campaign to protect British Columbia’s endangered old-growth forests and the Avatar Grove on Vancouver Island.
Watch it Saturday, March 5 at about 10 am Pacific Standard Time in British Columbia – barring any delays due to breaking news (eg. Libyan conflict).
Watch through online streaming at: https://english.aljazeera.net/watch_now/
Or watch it on Shaw Cable Channel 513, Rogers Channel 176 or Bell Express Vu on Channel 516
This will definitely be the largest news hit the old-growth campaign has had in many years! The WORLD is starting to take notice again about the plight of BC’s endangered ancient forests!
Also see today’s news articles (and write a comment and a letter to the editor):
Vancouver Sun – Al Jazeera to report from frontlines of BC’s old-growth logging issue
Ancient Forest Alliance media release:
We desperately need a government plan to save our endangered old-growth forests, to log second-growth forests sustainably, and to end the export of our raw, unprocessed logs to foreign mills in order to sustain Canadian forestry jobs.
Here are two things you can do right away!
SIGN and CIRCULATE our PETITION (ie. FORWARD to email contacts and SHARE the link on your FACEBOOK profile, and POST on blogs and websites…). Help us reach 10,000 signatures in one week (currently at 8,900):
WRITE a LETTER – Do letters help? YES!!!!!
Letters are ways for politicians – who are elected or tossed out by voters – to track how popular or unpopular their policies are. Each letter you write represents HUNDREDS of people who feel a similar way but didn’t take time to write!
Please WRITE to BC’s politicians to let them know that you want them to:
– Protect the Avatar Grove near Port Renfrew.
– Commit to a Provincial Old-Growth Strategy to ban and quickly phase-out old-growth logging in regions where they are scarce (egs. Vancouver Island, Lower Mainland, southern Interior, etc.)
– Ensure a transition to sustainable logging of second-growth forests, which now constitute the vast majority of the forest lands in southern BC.
– Ban raw log exports to foreign mills and provide incentives for a value-added second-growth wood manufacturing industry.
Write to:
BC’s new Premier Christy Clark at premier@gov.bc.ca
Forests Minister Pat Bell at pat.bell.mla@leg.bc.ca
NDP leadership candidates:
John Horgan: info@horganforbc.ca
Mike Farnworth: info@mikefarnworth.ca
Adrian Dix: info@adriandixforbc.ca
Nicholas Simons: nicholas@nicholassimons2011.ca
Dana Larsen: info@votedana.ca
ALSO look up and write your own BC MLA, who you can find by entering your postal code in the “MLA look-up tool” here: [Original article no longer available]
*** BE SURE to include your HOME MAILING ADDRESS so they know you are a real person!!
And stay tuned for more calls to action – rallies, slideshows, hikes, and various events…
Some more info:
See a spectacular video clip (and please forward and share) about the Avatar Grove at:
75% of Vancouver Island’s ancient forests have already been logged, including 90% of the largest trees that grow in the valley bottoms, according to satellite photos. See “before” and “after” maps at: https://ancientforestalliance.org/ancient-forests/before-after-old-growth-maps/
Old-growth forests are important for sustaining endangered species, tourism, the climate, clean water, and many First Nations cultures. See SPECTACULAR photos of Canada’s largest trees and stumps at:
Support the Ancient Forest Alliance!
We are a new organization and GREATLY need YOUR support.
DONATE at: https://ancientforestalliance.org/donations.php
Visit the Ancient Forest Alliance at:
Email: info@ancientforestalliance.org
Petition: https://ancientforestalliance.org/ways-to-take-action-for-forests/petition/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ancientforestalliance/