Vehicle Donation Needed
Do you or a family member have a vehicle that you no longer need? One that you would be willing to donate to the Ancient Forest Alliance?
If so, the AFA is looking for a safe and reliable vehicle for our door canvass to build support in communities throughout Victoria and Vancouver Island. A vehicle is key to provide an efficient means of transport for a new door canvassing crew and for volunteers who will be PIVOTAL in quickly growing the donors base and the scale of grassroots outreach of our organization. The vehicle need not be particularly stylish, but it must be one that is in good working order, will pass an inspection, and be ready for the road. An automatic transmission is required as well.
To successfully protect BC’s incredible ancient forests we will need as many volunteers as we can get on the ground to the door steps of thousands of British Columbian households in 2012 and beyond. In particular, the next year and a half leading up to the provincial election is our most critical and opportune time to greatly expand the scope of our campaign through door canvassing and hard-hitting campaign work in swing ridings that will ultimately lead to the protection of our most magnificent natural legacies.
Please contact the Ancient Forest Alliance at 250.896.4007 if you have a free vehicle for the job!
We will recognize the donor with our gratitude on our website (unless you prefer to remain anonymous) and also a signed print of our spectacular ancient forests by AFA photographer TJ Watt.