1 & 1/2 Annual Tree Huggers Ball – Dance Party Extravaganza!
This Friday, students with the University of Victoria Ancient Forest Committee have again organized an awesome night full of groovy MUSIC, ridiculous contests, PRIZES, and foot stomping good times, all in support of our endangered ancient forests! Come on out and enjoy this dance party extravaganza!
Date: Friday, Nov. 4th
Time: 8:00 pm – 1:00 am
Location: Felicita’s Pub @ UVic
Tickets: $10 – Available in the UVSS booth in the Student Union Building (SUB) and at the door.
All proceeds from the event will go to the Ancient Forest Alliance. Last year the club packed the pub with over 300 people and raised roughly $5200 for AFA! This year they’re aiming to top that mark!