Hul’qumi’num Treaty Group opposes TimberWest sale to pension funds
The Hul’qumi’num Treaty Group representing First Nations bands from north of Shawnigan lake to Nanaimo on eastern Vancouver Island is opposing the sale of TimberWest to two pension funds because of a lack of consultation and accommodation of First Nations rights and title interests in the transaction.
The Ancient Forest Alliance is also concerned about the sale because there has been no commitment by the pension funds to not log old-growth stands on the corporate lands of TimberWest.
First Nations from throughout Vancouver Island within the E&N Railway Grant area have united in protest against the takeover of forest giant TimberWest. Follow the link below to read the press release of their declaration: https://www.hulquminum.bc.ca/pubs/Vancouver%20Island%20FN%20press%20releaseMay%2025,%202011.pdf