Forest Dance Film ‘Verge: Dancing a Scarred and Sacred Landscape’ Screening at Planet in Focus Film Fest (Toronto, Oct 21-25, 2015)
Later this week, the short film ‘Verge: Dancing a Scarred and Sacred Landscape’ will be screening at the Planet in Focus Film Festival (https://planetinfocus.org) in Toronto. ‘Verge’ is a collaboration between filmmaker Leslie Kennah, choreographer Anna Kraulis, and the AFA’s Hannah Carpendale, and features dancers moving through the magnificent Avatar Grove and the devastated clearcut landscape surrounding Big Lonely Doug, near Port Renfrew on southern Vancouver Island. The festival, which runs from Oct 21-25th, will feature a diversity of environmental films, workshops and other activities. ‘Verge’ will be screening alongside feature length film ‘Puffin Patrol’ on Sunday Oct 25.
**TICKET CONTEST: 2 free festival tickets are available for AFA supporters – for a chance to win one, please contact info@ancientforestalliance.org **