Great News! BC Government Backs Down from Tree Farm Licence Expansion Plans for Now – THANK YOU for Speaking Up!
Recently, just before the Labour Day weekend, the BC government quickly mentioned that they have no immediate plans to introduce any legislation to expand Tree Farm Licences across British Columbia in 2014 or in the spring. This proposal has been a recurring scheme by the BC Liberal government – proposed before the 2013 BC election and then again this year until now – to give exclusive logging rights to major logging companies on vast areas of BC’s public forest lands. Each time, a massive public uproar has played an important role in preventing this “forest giveaway scheme” from being implemented!
THANK YOU to the many thousands of our supporters who formed the numeric bulk of the opposition speaking up against this proposal (see www.BCForestMovement.com), to the many First Nations who voiced their concerns and especially to the Tsilhqot’in First Nation who recently won the land title case in the Supreme Court, which was a fundamental reason for the BC government backing down. We must stay vigilant in case the relentless BC Liberal government tries again to attempt such a plan in the future.
[Original article in Clearwater Times no longer available]