Help Create a Sizeable Inland Rainforest Protected Area east of Prince George! (Nov. 2nd, 4:00 pm deadline!)
The Province of BC is looking at establishing a new protected area in the “northern wetbelt” rainforest east of Prince George next to Slim Creek Provincial Park, and is soliciting feedback on a plan to protect the unique ecosystems of the beloved Ancient Forest (where thousands of people have now hiked the trails among the giant cedars)
The proposed protected area includes unlogged temperate rainforest with trees over 1,000 years old, as well as rare plants and lichens.
Local conservationists with the Northern Wetbelt Working Group are proposing that protections be significantly expanded, based on scientific recommendations that sustaining biodiversity and the ecological integrity of the area over the long-run requires a larger area.
PLEASE sign-on to a letter supporting a new protected area, including on an expanded scale based on science, at: [Link not available].
The province is also accepting email comments on the plan; send your feedback to ancientforest@gov.bc.ca before Nov. 2, 4 p.m.
Thank you!