Nootka Island Old-Growth Logging – Part 2
Nootka Island has been ravaged over the years by some of the worst clearcut logging on the coast of BC. Today, about 75% of Nootka’s ancient rainforests have been cut and the best of what’s left remains largely unprotected. Logging now encroaches on the renowned Nootka Trail as well, with clearcuts coming to within 300 metres of the beach. This has had severe impacts on salmon streams, wildlife habitats, and important cultural sites of local First Nations.
While Western Forest Products continues to target the best of what’s left on this island jewel, the Nuchatlaht Nation are in court battling to regain stewardship of their unceded territory on northwestern Nootka Island.
Regaining sovereignty over their lands and waters will allow the Nuchatlaht to prevent further annihilation of the ancient forests and salmon streams which support the well-being of wildlife and the Nuchatlaht people alike.
Instead of fighting the Nuchatlaht in court, the BC government should be supporting them and fully funding Indigenous-led conservation efforts across BC.
Please take a moment to send the BC government an instant message calling for the protection of old-growth forests and significant conservation financing.
You can also support the Nuchatlaht Nation in their title case.