Nootka Island Old-Growth Logging – Part 1
Nootka Island, on the west coast of Vancouver Island, is a natural treasure. From its slopes to shorelines one can find towering redcedars and Sitka spruce trees, white sandy beaches with wolves and whales, and the stunning Nootka Trail, considered by many to be one of the most beautiful wilderness trails in all of Canada.
However, it’s an area that has also been heavily impacted by more than a century of industrial logging.
Right now, the Nuchatlaht Nation, whose unceded territory includes northwestern Nootka Island, are in court battling the provincial government and Western Forest Products to reclaim management of their territory. Stewards of these lands and waters since time immemorial, the Nuchatlaht are aiming to prevent further destruction of the ancient forests and salmon streams that support the myriad of living systems in this region, both human and non-human alike.
It’s high time the BC government stop blocking progress and instead fund Indigenous-led conservation measures to the tune of at least $300 million.
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You can also support the Nuchatlaht in their title case.