As a new grassroots organization and with our June 21 deadline to raise $20,000 fast approaching, we are in GREAT need of funding. Per dollar, your support will go farther with us than with virtually any other major environmental organization in the country, allowing us to build a most effective movement for our ancient forests and forestry jobs!
Now there is a new, quick, and convenient way to donate to the Ancient Forest Alliance over the phone! With just one phone call, you can support ancient forest protection in a matter of minutes!
Visa and Master Card are both accepted.
To donate by phone, please contact us at: 250 896 4007 from Monday to Friday.
Whatever amount you can afford, we can assure you that YOUR support with the Ancient Forest Alliance will go farther with us. We are the BUSIEST environmental group with the LEAST funding right now! YOU can help us make this a sustainable organization by supporting us…
See our full funding appeal at: https://ancientforestalliance.org/support.php
Currently we need funds to:
– Print 100,000 copies of a new educational newsletter that will go into “swing ridings” in BC that will exert disproportionate pressure on the BC Liberal government to change their backwards forest policies. This will cost $5000 for the printing alone.
– Undertake expeditions into endangered ancient forests on Vancouver Island and elsewhere to document their beauty and their destruction with professional photography and video.
– Organize Days of Action in front of BC Liberal MLA offices – right now the BC Liberal government contends that Vancouver Island’s endangered old-growth forests don’t require any protection and that raw log exports to foreign mills should continue.
– Establish new Ancient Forest Committees (activism teams) in swing ridings in BC that exert a disproportionate amount of pressure on the BC Liberal government.
– Build vital support among businesses, faith groups, unions, and First Nations.
You can also donate ONLINE with your credit card at: https://donate.ancientforestalliance.org/
Or you can MAIL in your cheque (made out to “Ancient Forest Alliance”) to:
Ancient Forest Alliance
706 Yates Street
PO Box 8459
Victoria, BC V8W 3S1